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The Imperfect Book Club

We're hoping to offer a new kind of book club, taking our time as a group to go through professional/personal development books one chapter at a time, with lots of time for discussion and integration.

Co-hosted by Debbie Hayes, coach, author, TEDx speaker, and the 'Queen of Clarity.'

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Session 1: 
by Gay Hendricks

The Big Leap is a canon for business mindset and leadership development. Each chapter holds a gem of insight and usable information (finding and managing your Upper Limit; determining your Zone of Genius, etc)—which is why we'll devote one week to each chapter, allowing for reading, digestion, group discussion, and integration.

7 consecutive Tuesdays

start date TBD

on Zoom (link provided with registration)

2–3pm Eastern

Max 12 participants

$30 CAN


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The land on which I operate (Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada) is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, Neutral Peoples, and other Indigenous Peoples from all over Turtle Island. This territory is covered by the Upper Canada Treaties and is within the land protected by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum agreement. I offer my sincere gratitude and respect to the original and continued stewards of this land.

I also acknowledge Indigenous, Black, people of colour, women, non-binary folks, and 2SLGBTQQAI+ people who have all been marginalized for centuries, and our collective responsibility to take action toward a world free from oppression, discrimination and racism.

ImpNet intends to keep trying to do better, and inspiring others to try too.

Taking one step away from being this kind of org, I donate 5% of all ImpNet income to, the Nii’kinaaganaa Foundation: Collecting rent and redistributing it to Indigenous People.

For an Indigenous Ally Kit, please visit the Resources page.

©2024 The Imperfect Network

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