w r i t i n g
Writing is everywhere. It's journalism, blog posts, marketing materials, reviews, rack cards, website content, social media content, and more.
Writing is also a key part of your communications and your brand: the quality must be exceptional, the style must be consistent, and the message must be clear and focused.
With over thirty passionate years of experience in copywriting; journalism and editorial; content and more, I can help you find and express your brand's voice.
Please have a look at some samples of my work in the links below. (Hover over any image to learn a bit more, and click to get the full details.) And then give me a shout to talk about your writing needs.

Meeting Peter Ling
Hey, if you like, you can sign up for my newsletter here
Imperfect Networking
Bit of a no-brainer for the Imperfect Network to have a networking group, right? Hilarious that it took months for me to see it—and now here it is. Almost. Coming very, very soon.
We'll meet weekly for one hour, Thursdays from 12–1pm ET.

week one
First and third Thursdays of each month
First 10 mins: What people are hoping to get from the session: looking to meet, hoping to find, here because…
Last 10 mins: People can announce their new group offerings, events, etc, out loud and in the chat. Keep it as brief as possible so we can try to hear from as many as possible.
40 mins of friendly networking, with breakout groups of 3-4 people, 20 mins per x 2
week two
Second and fourth Thursdays of each month
Group coaching led by one member of the group (assigned in advance).
Members can sign up for the chance to coach the group.

Membership: Imperfect Networking is currently available only as part of your Imperfect Alliance membership.
Group coaches are paid $120 CAD for their services. While coaching the group naturally provides promotion of services, this is not a sales opportunity, please and thanks.
Other benefits of membership: Slack group with several discussion channels, and/or other ways to support one another outside of sessions—ideas welcome! The hive mind of Slack lets people share questions and ideas, and offer support and suggestions.
Start date TBD—or when there are 6 people signed up.
Who can participate: People of all genders; entrepreneurs/solopreneurs who have a service that can serve the group in some way; service-focused businesses; NO multilevel marketing, etc.